Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap is an Indian historical drama produced by Abhimanyu Raj Singh of Contiloe Entertainment. It is based on the life of Maharana Pratap, a sixteenth century Hindu Rajput ruler of Mewar, a region in north-western India in the present day state of Rajasthan.
Summary of Episode Aired on 11th March 2015:
Ramashah and his family comes to meet Pratap and tell him the story of Tulsidas' childhood- how he uttered the name ram after his birth and why his parents sent him off with their maid and how he was named Rambola, how the maid died and Rambola had to beg for living and during that time how devi Parvati fed him kheer.
In Chittor, Dheerbai felt devastated to know the state in which Jagmal is. Akbar on the other hand, goes to meet Salima but is disheartened seeing a dasi sleeping in her tent. He goes for a stroll and so does Pratap. Both can be seen approaching each other.
Watch this episode of Maharana Pratap online on SonyLiv official website here:
Summary of Episode Aired on 11th March 2015:
Ramashah and his family comes to meet Pratap and tell him the story of Tulsidas' childhood- how he uttered the name ram after his birth and why his parents sent him off with their maid and how he was named Rambola, how the maid died and Rambola had to beg for living and during that time how devi Parvati fed him kheer.
In Chittor, Dheerbai felt devastated to know the state in which Jagmal is. Akbar on the other hand, goes to meet Salima but is disheartened seeing a dasi sleeping in her tent. He goes for a stroll and so does Pratap. Both can be seen approaching each other.
Watch this episode of Maharana Pratap online on SonyLiv official website here:
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